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Repetitive Strain Injury and Other work related conditions

Whether the problem for the worker is from:

  • repeated strain from doing the same activity over and over again or 

  • an injury/fall twisting a joint, or tearing a muscle or

  •  from a back strain or neck strain from a heavy lift or

  • from a compromised long-term posture,

 these chronic problems have a few factors in common and can be supported by physiotherapy.


The connective tissue has abnormal tension as a reaction to the insult of the strain or injury , there may even be scarring in the tissue as the torn tissue heals. This scarring makes the connective tissue stiffer and puts more compression load on the area of injury. This means the joints in the injured area don’t slide and glide easily as they move, the connective tissue, as in the ligaments and muscles around the joints don’t have full length and normal flexibility to allow friction free pain free movement.


The damaged joints and muscles and ligaments maybe a cause of pain that can last for weeks or months and even set in to be classified as chronic pain – which medically is generally classified as pain that lasts longer than 3 months.

The client often has emotional stresses due to the pain and problem. These may include general increased stress levels, anxiety, fear of pain or not being able to work, depression, poor sleep patterns and low vitality. Kate frequently works in collaboration with psychologists, counsellors and rehabilitation doctors with clients with this condition.

A session with Kate – an overview


In the initial treatment Kate will do a thorough physical assessment of your problem area. She will work with you to assess the possible movements/cause of the strain and or your pain. Kate also assesses the extent of the tissue damage and muscle weakness associated with your problem area. She may ask you, if it is appropriate, about your stress levels and emotional health. This thorough assessment allows both you and Kate to be very clear on the starting point of the extent of your physical and emotional problems before the treatment program begins.


A significant part of each treatment is using modalities that encourage the clients to relax and settle on the treatment table so that they are less anxious or tense. This approach helps to counter the general tension of the client’s whole body. The modalities that complement her gentle physiotherapy treatment may include esoteric connective tissue therapy and gentle joint releases, remedial massage and hands on healing. A client will be offered a combination of two or three of these therapies.


The choice of therapies depends on the area of the problem, the condition of the soft tissues and the preferences of the client.


Generally the treatment starts off with the focus of relaxing the whole body and then as the client does relax and let go of their physical tension, Kate focuses more specifically on the problem area.


A very important part of each treatment is in educating the client to understand what their body is telling them with their problem and how is it that they have come to this place with this problem in their body. So often once the client understands what has gone into creating the problem they are then empowered to change the way they do things to have caused their problem.

Kate supports her clients to reconnect to their natural gentle way of moving, particularly in the way they do their physical tasks or work tasks that had been problematic: see ‘ Exploring Gentleness, ‘Elongate your posture: simple connective tissue exercises to support your body ' Kate supports her clients to feel the difference between doing the tasks gently and doing them in a hard tense manner. She also shows them the difference between a free open flowing posture with an elongated spine versus a slumped, compressed posture that compromises their spine and body.

Each Client has a specific Home exercise program that is progressed as the clients condition improves. This may include gentle connective tissue movements, muscle/joint stretches, postural correction movements for activities at home and work, core strengthening exercises, relaxation techniques such as a gentle breath meditation and a general exercise regime that is enjoyable for the client. All treatments and home exercise programs are regularly adjusted according to the needs of the client and the changes in their condition.

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